Published on: 06/12/2021
Ethermon Review: Pokemon-Like Collection-Based Crypto Game
Ethermon is one of the bigger names in NFT and crypto gaming. Borrowing from games like Pokemon, Ethermon is a pioneer in this space. It’s a collection-based crypto game where users collect creatures, battle them, and so on. The Ethermon creatures are all NFTs, meaning that users actually own the assets that they have. Creatures can be bought, sold and traded, in order to improve performance and team power. The in-game assets have real monetary value.
Ethermon Gameplay
The creatures aren’t limited to the context of the Ethermon game either – they can be used in a variety of play-to-earn environments. There is the OG 2D RPG that Ethermon itself was, and other games such as a full 3D MMORPG in Decentraland’s metaverse. Gameplay can take all sorts of formats, such as PVP auto-battles and more.

Ethermon has attracted over a quarter million players with almost 300k Ethermons minted! That’s an incredibly high number a lot of crypto games could only hope to achieve even after having been out for some time. Etheremon has been available in the NFT space for several years now, giving it plenty of time to establish itself in the space.
Ether Monsters: The Mons
The central element of the Ethermon game is of course the monsters. They have varying attributes and appearances. The most important aspects are rarity, battle stats, classes, generations and more. Also, attributes like Ancestors and Energy that limit what users can do with their monsters. There are even statistics available on the creatures, with leaderboards showing the strongest creatures and their owners. Each creature is unique, with their own stats and attributes.
Generational Features
Like in Pokemon, creatures have different types with advantages and disadvantages. The system is however a little more elaborate with multiple types from a larger pool for each Mon. They can also evolve, but require more prerequisites in order to be able to do so than Pokemon might. Like in games such as CryptoKitties, creatures also have different generations, where each generation has differing aspects and can draw on the powers of their previous generations. There is more than just the creatures – including upgradeable moves, consumables, recipes, equipment, skins, and more.

Ethermon Token: EMON
In addition to the NFTs, which are the Ethermons themselves, the game also has its own fungible token – EMON. While originally there was a token called EMONT that didn’t comply with the ERC-20 standard, it was discontinued and replaced by EMON. Owners of EMONT were given the option of converting their tokens. The EMON token is necessary to pay for certain in-game functions and utilities, primarily in the context of the 3D game platform within Decentraland.
Previous Token
There is another token called MARKS, which is an off-chain in-game currency (comparable to any non-crypto currency in a game) that can also be used to pay for day-to-day activity in the game. Users can farm it by questing, looting, and battling with their Mons. EMON can also be earned via play-to-earn functionality, but unlike MARKS, it’s on-chain and therefore has real monetary value.
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