Published on: 10/03/2022
Pegaxy: Play to Earn Futuristic Horse Racing Game
Pegaxy is a play-to-earn horse racing game, the result of a collaboration between well-known developers in the gaming industry: Steve Nguyen, Corey Wilton, and Ken Pham are the principal founders. The game launched in 2021 as a beta version, and most features are fully functional. The developers aim to keep on improving the game and decentralizing the governance so that players have a voice in key decision-making.
Pegaxy is a horse racing crypto game that plays in player versus player mode. The game is gaining traction in the market as more players join and win crypto rewards. The game is based on Pegasus, the mythical winged horse in ancient Greece. The game is in 2D and delivered on a Random Number Generator (RNG) platform. There are hopes that the game will soon shift to a 3D version.

Pegaxy Gameplay
Before playing this play-to-earn game, it’s crucial to understand several aspects and approaches you can take when playing Pegaxy:
- Buy a Horse – A horse is the main NFT and you cannot play without one. Players can trade horses in the Pegaxy marketplace. The value of a horse varies depending on its rarity, bloodline, and other personalized features. As of February 2022, players need about to spend $1500 in this NFT game to buy a horse.
- Rent a horse – Players can also rent out their horses to other players. Any income earned from using the horse belongs to the tenant, not the lender. For example, a player can rent a horse for $500 for one month and keep all the VIS earned.
- Play as a scholar – A scholar partnership works such that a tenant and horse owner agree to share a certain percentage of income earned by the tenant. The owner decides on the percentage to share.
- Breed horses – The other option is for players to breed their horses and use them for racing purposes. Breeders should purchase a male and female horse, considering their bloodline and rarity.
The breeding bloodlines are four, namely: Zan, Campona, Hoz, and Klin. The breed types can be Founder, Pacer, Epic, Legendary, or Rare.
Typically, a race has 12 horses racing against each other. The game rewards the top three contestants. Winners get selected using a random number generator system, but developers have intentions to change this method to include other parameters. For instance, the clothing or food eaten by a horse can affect their performance.

Playing a game is free, but you need a flying horse fitted with gear to join. The game starts within 60 seconds once the lobby is full. After a race, players can view the other competing horses (Pegas). A history of the horses can show details such as other contests won, bloodline, and breed.
It’s also possible for players to review a game later and even share it with friends. Upon preview, you can determine any suspicious activity and report it to the development team for review.
When starting, horses have 25/25 energy levels. After each competition, a horse loses one energy level but regains it after one hour of inactivity. Rented horses and those shared with scholars also earn VIS tokens.
Pegaxy Tokens
The Pegaxy ecosystem operates using two types of tokens; the VIS and the PGX. The reward system of Pegaxy utilizes VIS tokens. All top 3 winners earn VIS tokens that can be traded in the exchanges.
PGX is the governance token used as a breeding fee, buying pega (horse), and staking. The token can also trade in the exchanges.